FINALLY... The headache is over...
Discover how to RESIZE not only our armour patterns... but also how to alter and adjust many others !! ... All under the guidance of Alex Agricola... Creator of all the designs brought to you by "Black Raven Armoury" , so that Step by Step you can ... Feel the comfort of wearing something tailored especially for you !!!

- How Many Times have you looked at a pattern for an armour, falling in love with the design... BUT not knowing where to start, when it comes to sizing it up.... or down .... -
Now ANYONE Can make those tweaks, the result.. a FULLY
FUNCTIONAL Leather Body Armour THAT FITS Your Body !!!

Best of all.... I lead you step by Step, through the entire process ... Through simple tried & tested techniques and detailed SIMPLE to follow instructions...
Along with personal guidance and a ton of visual aids, finally you will be able to create & resize any of the armours pictured in our site and no doubt many others available from other creators, no matter your level of experience..
And Just Imagine... These techniques can be applied to way more than just leather armour....
Pretty much any material could be adjusted these ways... Including EVA Foams used for prototyping & Cosplay, even patterns to be used for metal armours...
All with the confidence your being guided by someone with 20+ years of experience, who in that time has supplied everyone from major tv & movie studios, game publishers and fellow hobby enthusiasts to the Royal Armoury...
A 20 Page Detailed Easy To follow STEP by STEP Digital Downloadable PDF Instructional guide to resizing Armour Patterns
Learn which Measurements need to be taken when fitting for our leather armour patterns (although it is likely the same or similar measurements would be required for most peoples designs)
Detailed visual lists and guides covering most body types (we have covered our own main base starting ranges)
- So UP or DOWN from: Female 36-40 & 40-44, Male 40-48 & 50-56 (we have shown how to size up or down from these ranges)
The basics of how to adapt a pattern
Guidance on adapting specific parts of a pattern (Bust/CHEST, Waist etc) Adjusting body lengths and widths
Guidance on making significant changes to a pattern using a "Duct Tape Dummy"
Transferring Your altered design to a new size, from duct tape to paper, then leather or foam
- TIPS for BUST shaping to get the most comfy fit (VERY IMPORTANT)
- Tips for assembling the new paper pattern

Unsure where to find all your bits needed or Questions during the build??......No Problem 🙂 just contact our customer support support_academy@blackravenarmourycom we will send you a list of the few bits you may need & where to get them!
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I'm Alex Agricola
When I started out, there was no internet, so I was reliant on books and hands on experimentation to develop my skills.
20+ years & thousands of projects on, and it’s still surprisingly difficult to find detailed information on leatherwork for armour & costumes... And I guess this is very much a part of WHY I wanted to share my learning with you.
Ask any of my students... From Day 1, you have me personally on tap to ask anything !! No matter the question, if its in my power to guide you, I will.