Another quick look at one of my new designs released last autumn, and really after having spent a year on the biggest design blitz in almost 3 decades to look back. I'm so grateful at the efforts everybody's gone to to make this happen.. These designs are combination of so many elements that we've worked to develop over the last 30 years, I'd like to believe these represent some of my best works to date.
It's rare that I get the time to share videos of things just outside of production because they tend to go straight from the design table to the photography, then into production. I'm actually really pleased at how these have come out....
So here you go a quick fly around you and one of my newest designs The Fenrir... And I'd like to think very much a style that combines powerfully as something 100% practical in terms of protection, while at the same time, giving people that opportunity to have something amazing to look like, even if they were attending a Wrwhile at the same time, giving people that opportunity to have something amazing to look like, even if they were attending a REN banquet or SCA festival..
Anyway, hope you enjoy, I'm always interested in peoples feedback and comments so feel free to drop any.
happy crafting 🙂